Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My life at the moment

Well I went to truck driving school and was out on the road for like a week until I figured out that it really is just NOT for me. Trucking is a really difficult life and you've got to love it or there's no way you can do it. I thought I could just do it as a job to pay for my art career but that's not happening. Basically right now I'm trying to find a job that will cover my bills as quickly as possible so that I don't lose this apartment at the Tashiro Kaplan.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Super Excited!

So I'm still waiting to hear back as to whether or not I passed the first part of the leasing process but I'm super excited that if all goes well I'll be moving in to the Tashiro Kaplan hopefully at the beginning of January. I wonder if I'll be able to have a New Years party at my apartment...

So for those of you that don't know the Tashiro Kaplan is a rent controlled artist building in the Pioneer Square area of Seattle Washington. Its one of the Art Space Live Work Artist Loft buildings.

I have all these amazing ideas for paintings that are just screaming to be made. I feel this overwhelming NEED to paint.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Crappy Gay Art

This homo is extremely annoyed with the lack luster quality of gay art being produced in this decade. By gay art I refer to art which specifically addresses LGBT themes or issues. There's been some interesting developments in design and advertising but actual Art with the capital "A" has been severely lacking. For one thing though, if your art isn't erotic, you've gotten over your coming out phase and you're fairly well adjusted, its kind of hard to make good work about LGBT issues that isn't seriously depressing. I mean there are a lot of really important issues that need to be discussed (HIV, Gay bashing, disconnect of identities for LGBT persons of color, those horrible ex-gay ministries, the legal battles LGBT parents go through, etc.) but if every piece you see on gay issues is negative or depressing, eventually you just go numb to it all and you stop taking in the information.

That is part of the reason why I think works of art that show the world as we'd like it to be are so effective. We see this piece and really want to just stand there and soak it up as much as possible because its the world as we know it could be and should be, the way we wish everything worked, and then the message really has a chance to soak in and there's a driving passion to create that world we saw.

I want to live in a world where true love exists and princes fall in love.