Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Change of Scenery Provokes Inspiration

its interesting, I thought my muse had left me. Going for such a long time without a good outlet for my creative energy had caused some serious back up and stress. I went on vacation to the Oregon coast with my family and after some proding went for a walk along the beach on my own. After an hour or two I could feel all the emotional crap empty out of my head and the "spirit" if you will move through me. I may not have a place to go paint as I'd like to right now but I have been able to invest that creative energy in other productive ways. I'm actually really excited.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Some of the Best Advice I've Gotten in Life

1. The key to great poker is not having a good poker face but being able to convincingly fake a bad one taught to me by my grandfather an old card shark

2. Fake it till you feel it I forget who told me this one

3. Do not take a critique personally, you are not your art, a piece of art is a scratch in the surface in an idea you once had Told to me by my professor Preston Wadley

4. When you paint finish an entire layer, don't stop part way through a layer, especially on the grisaille, or the styles won't match Told to my by my painting professor Claudia Hollander-Lucas

5. Don't go out of your way to correct people who think you're an idiot, they won't see you coming and are less likely to attempt to sabotage your career from my mother

6. Kill them with kindness, you don't have to like them just be as professional, sweet and polite as you possibly can be at every turn so there's nothing they can use as ammunition to bad mouth you my paternal grandmother and mother both

7. Forgive but never ever forget my folks