Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weird Day

So again feel free to check out my portfolio. Today has been kind of odd, I was unable to get to sleep till 3am last night and woke up at 2pm today. So I kind of blew my day. The good news is that yesterday I wrote a treatment for my application video for Work of Art. Now I just need to find my cables for my camera and buy a tape. Sounds easy, but I'm betting that my cables if they still "exist" are somewhere in storage so I will probably have to buy new ones. How annoying not to have a space to work. That is the thing I miss the most about art school and the biggest reason I'm so in favor of it. In art school you have a place and equipment to work and you are forced to make art, there is nothing that teaches you more about art then the daily practice of it. Once you get out of the daily practice of it its so hard to get back into that rhythm. That was the biggest reason that freshman year was both the easiest and hardest year, learning that daily rhythm when you've never had to produce like that is super fucking hard. I miss it so much, just having a place to work and being inside that daily rhythm.

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