Monday, August 2, 2010

How life has VASTLY changed

Dear Reader,

To say my life has changed quite a bit since the last time we wrote is a HUGE understatement. I dropped the ball on updating my blog once more, because not long after my last blog post, I was fired. I was fired first of all because the company I was working for didn't know what to do with me and they felt I wasn't working enough hours, though when I came in everyone was too busy to give me something to do and when I tried to find something on my own, I was told, no no that doesn't help. Secondly they found some old retired guy in Florida who had 40 years of experience working as a graphic designer who was willing to do my graphics work for a penny a piece, so they say though I really believe it was just my boss who missed doing all the art himself. Third and really the biggest issue, I'm a flamer and can't help it and that was the biggest reason thing went down the way they did. I had things said to my face with witnesses that had I been a full employee instead of an independent contractor I could have nailed that asshole's balls to the wall, but sadly I've had it looked up, in my state independent contractors have absolutely no rights.

I in fact did not get into SFAI for my MFA in photography. I was told by someone else at another school that its the policy of most grad schools that no matter how good your portfolio is, if you don't have at least a 3.0 you are shit out of luck. Balls. I stayed in my old apartment till the end of my lease trying my best to find work, but couldn't. So after having surgery on my foot, I went to a fat camp but washed out. Now I'm living at home with my very homophobic parents and my schizophrenic sister. And nearly 10 months after being fired I've still yet to find work or get into a grad school.

I was working rather hard on my screenplay, mostly reading books about screenwriting, but I've gotten to the point now that before I can really write anything more about a story set in Hawaii I need to really go soak up the culture. What's awesome is that I'm hopefully going to be moving there to live with my best friend Kahaka. His family owns a couple houses out there and if things work out the only thing I have to pay for is my plane ticket and food. Moving out there will really give me a chance to finish my script.

While I've been living with my parents, every time I try to make art they harass me about wasting time and money and doing things that are "pointless". All of my friends are more than happy to tell me that I need to escape my parents' place and yet they have no suggestion as to how I can accomplish that as the economy is horrible for everyone and I'm constantly applying for jobs. I may need to just go work fast food or some crappy job like that. Not sure what to do.

I really wish I had a space to paint, write, and develop photos.

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