Now for those of us who grew up on a more traditional version of Aladdin, you'll remember there was a genie of the lamp and a genie of the ring. The genie of the lamp's wishes were much more powerful and had near limitless potential but could only grant wishes of material desire, the genie of rings wishes were more limited but there was an infinite number and they deal mainly with emotions. At least I believe that's what I remember from the story. Now if I only had three wishes they would probably the first to have a physically perfect and immortal body and mind, the second to become the most successful artist who ever lived, and the third would be to fully awaken as a powerful mage. I'd use my wealth and power to cross over into the greatest art form which will most likely ever exist (once it does) planet sculpting, terraforming barren space rocks into living works of art, with every life form on it tailored and created from near scratch. I mean how amazing would it be to be able to say hey, you guys are over crowded, unable to feed your families and have no opportunities to move up in this world, so here's your own planet. I'd probably start out making custom worlds for wealthy clients and corporations then move on to impoverished and oppressed groups, then eventually make worlds that functioned purely as works of art. Oh course there would eventually be that whole trying to escape the heat death of the universe thing but hopefully that will be figured out before its too big of a worry. I really believe if there is or ever was a deity, that using my talent to create and save his people would be the greatest compliment, and kind of the destiny of man kind. Supposedly if we live another 50 years they will have figured out aging science and genetic therapies well enough that no one will ever die of old age again. Man I hope I live long enough to benefit from that, I've always wanted to be immortal. I mean like in that movie from the japan the Phoenix, where the guys does become immortal and then becomes this amazing artist because he doesn't want to forget the face of his true love so he tries to recreate at it over and over so he'll never forget, so amazing. And that's true, if you are an artist to begin with, thing how far you could progress in 200 years, a thousand years, ten thousand years. It would just be amazing.
If I have to die a simple mortal death and live the life of an ordinary man, my three wishes are to fall in love and get married, raise a healthy happy and emotionally balanced child, and to get to make one real movie that gets released in theaters even if its just crappy art house theaters.
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