So hey everyone. I just by chance happened to stumble across this amazing website, Patreon. Instead of being like kickstarter where its all for a single big project and its lots of money, its you contributing a couple dollars each time I produce a new work, like a tip, to support me for creating work that you like or are into. The great thing about this is that I'd be able to move out of my parent's house and get myself a little place I can make more art and write more and, and.... DO STUFF!
I find the entire concept pretty brilliant. What's really great is that you can tell the website to not tip me over a certain amount per month so that you never have to worry about going over budget. Its really exciting and it allows me an opportunity to create some of the more non commercial works I've been interested in for a while. To quote the title of one of my favorite books "Make Art, Make Money", as in make amazing art and get it to make the money for you. Hurray for the gift economy!
So I'm going to start producing a whole heck of a lot more art and posting a lot more writing on here, and you can all benefit from the fruits of my labor. I'm so excited and I really hope my loyal fans will support me.
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