Well I've been working on a visualization technique where you visualize and repeat something to yourself and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The visualization I've been using is "I am living my true calling." I really believe I've actually figured out what that is. I've been working as a substitute teacher and I absolutely love it and I'm talking to the head of the MAT program at RISD and he's actually giving some consideration to possibly letting me into the program. I really feel that becoming an art teacher is my true calling, for myself at least its the most wonderful job in the entire world. When you look at my talents and interests it really makes sense!
In other news I've gotten really involved in the Mind's Eye Society, its a nonprofit LARPing club for the World of Darkness game system. I'm the Venue Story Teller for my local domain for the Accord Venue, its extremely fun and this is the very beginning of the new venue. I love finding fun creative things to do when you don't have the space for huge art pieces or the money to drive all over taking photos. Its also a great way to get involved in my community, make friend and have fun that doesn't involve spending crap loads of money every week. I'm even using my art skills to help the club, below is a photo I took for the club.